Purpose: To provide SCSM administrators an easy and quick shortcut way to login as a different user, such as a user with Administrator level permissions.
If you are an SCSM administrator, you should still login to the SM console as a standard user. This way you can see any potential issues with your security roles, tasks, and views that you have scoped down for normal console use. But then you have to start the console as a different user all the time by right clicking the icon, run as different user, entering the username and password. This may not seem like a lot of work, but at least in the beginning, you will have to do this many times.
To open the console as a pre-defined “different user” by clicking on a shortcut, and entering a password. Quick. Simple.
1. Right-click on the desktop, point to New, and then select Shortcut
2. In Type the location of the item, enter runas /user:DomainNameUserName “Path of SCSM .exe“
Example below:
runas /user:Demoscott.watkins “C:Program FilesMicrosoft System Center 2012Service ManagerMicrosoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.exe”
Based on the version and location of your install path, your entry may look different
3. Select Next, type a name for the shortcut, and then click Finish
4. Right-click on the shortcut that was created, select Properties
5. Select the Change Icon… button
8. Navigate to the install path for the SCSM .exe you entered above
C:Program FilesMicrosoft System Center 2012Service ManagerMicrosoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.exe
9. Select Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.exe,
and Select Open
11. Select OK again
13. Double-click on the shortcut
14. Enter the password for the Run As User
15. You should see some extra lines in the CMD window, then Service Manager will open as that user
16. You can now pin this to the Task Bar, Start Menu, or assign a keyboard shortcut
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