Cireson ITSM Awards

The Cireson IT Service Management Awards

Recognizing Excellence in Microsoft IT Service Management

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About the Awards

The Cireson IT Service Management (ITSM) Awards is a celebration of the Microsoft Service Manager (SCSM) community. As Microsoft Gold Partners and experts in the Microsoft ITSM space, we have created these awards to recognize the hard work of IT teams and give them a platform to showcase their accomplishments. By sharing their achievements with the community, we hope to inspire others to embrace innovation and push the boundaries of what’s possible in IT Service Management. Join us in recognizing the outstanding contributions of IT teams and celebrate their success with the Cireson IT Service Management Awards. 

Award Categories

Best ITSM Process

Have you implemented a process to help your organization smash through tickets? Maybe you customized the Cireson Portal or developed a super training program for your Analysts. For this category, we want to hear about your most impressive ITSM Processes. Specifically, what you were looking to solve and how you implemented said process as well as what the outcome was. 


Best Automation

Did you get tired of completing the same manual task over and over? Did you need to find a way to avoid human error in your daily process? For this category, we want to learn about automations implemented to improve your IT service management delivery. Specifically, what problem were you looking to solve and how did you build said resolution? Provide specifics about technology/solutions you used. We would also like to know how much time and resources were saved as the result of this automation along with any other relevant KPIs to demonstrate success.

Best Integration

Did your organization have disparate systems operating independently of one another creating an inefficient environment? What did you do to integrate them? For this category, we want to learn about integrations you made to improve your organization’s IT service management experience. We want to know what systems were integrated, how they were integrated, why and what the result was. Do you have measurable KPIs to demonstrate the success of said integration? Did you integrate more than two systems? What has this integration enabled your organization to accomplish? 


Now – April 30, 2024

Submissions Open

May 1 – 15, 2024

Submissions Reviewed

May 17, 2024

Winners Notified

June 4, 2024

Winners Announced Public via Press Release and Marketing Promotion

June – July 2024

Video Demonstrations and Promotion

How to Submit

  1. Review all relevant category information and select one or more categories to submit to. Please note, if applying to more than one category, a separate submission is required for each.

  2. Craft submission with a minimum of 200 words addressing all aspects of the category listed below.

  3. While optional, you are highly encouraged to share any relevant screenshots or videos¹ along with your written submission to provide context.

  4. Once your submission is ready, send to with the subject line: “Cireson ITSM Awards: (The Category You’re Submitting To) – (Your Company Name)”

What to Expect if You Win

  • Inclusion in company press release announcing winners. A quote will be requested from each of the winning organizations and the winning organization will be named and linked in said press release for company recognition and promotion.  

  • Winners will present their achievements in a recorded Cireson hosted video demonstration. 
  • Cireson will coordinate with winners to develop demo environment if needed for confidential reasons. 
  • Cireson requests the usage of company logo and name in marketing promotional assets. 

If you have any questions or experience any issues while submitting, please do not hesitate to reach out to the team at at any time.  

¹ Any images, screenshots or videos submitted will not be used or shared publicly without consent from submitting organization.