Get Custom Dashboards by Defining Your Own Widgets

Cireson widget framework: create custom dashboards

This blog is the conclusion to our Add-Ins series. Learn how to Spot Trends and Support Reporting Quality with WordCloud Widget Add-In in part 4.

In the past few weeks, we’ve introduced a series of Add-Ins that provide specific functionality to Cireson Service Manager Portal (SMP) without the extensive coding associated with customization. The widget framework we used is now available to you. You can define widgets using custom code and create custom dashboards. We’re looking forward to seeing what you create!

Data Visualization Challenges

There’s usually a way to report on anything your organization wants to know. Gathering the right kind of data is a discipline unto itself. But an important piece of telling that story is how the data is visualized. Prior to SMP v11.2, you might not have been able to vary how data is displayed. Cireson’s widget framework gives you more flexibility, so that you can create your own widgets and illustrate data in a custom look and feel. The widgets you define can run on any dashboard page.

You are our inspiration for sharing this framework. In the Cireson Community, customers have contributed interesting ideas for creating work item form tasks. It seemed fitting to solve a dashboard pain point in a similar way.

Define Your Custom Dashboards Widget in 5 Steps

You’ll find details on creating a custom dashboards widget in this knowledge article. Here’s a snapshot of basic steps.

1. Define the Widget.

Cireson widget framework: define the widget screenshot

2. Define the Configuration Interface.

Cireson widget framework: define the configuration interface screenshot

3. Add the Widget to a Dashboard Page.

Cireson widget framework: add the widget to the dashboard screenshot

4. Configure the Widget.

Cireson widget framework: configure the widget screenshot

5. View the Widget.

Cireson widget framework: view the widget screenshot

Share Your Custom Widget!

Once you’ve created a custom widget, don’t forget to share it in the Cireson Community!

The ability to define custom widgets is what allowed us to create recently announced Add-Ins, including Home Page Widgets, WordCloud Widget and Page Filter Widget. They’re very helpful, so check them out!

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