Looking for even more functionality on Work Item grids? With v11.8 of the Cireson Service Manager Portal (SMP), Quick Actions and extensibility arrive on Custom Grids giving you more flexibility than ever before.
Custom Actions to OData Work Item Grids
In the Service Manager Portal we’ve supported the ability to generate custom OData Grids so you could render data out of Microsoft’s System Center Service Manager (SCSM) in an easily consumable and queryable way. Those very same grids in v11.3 brought about the means to introduce extended/related properties enabling even further customization. But now, we’re going even further by introducing Custom Actions to OData grids.

For starters, let’s create a new OData Table Widget. We’ll point it at the “Team Work” endpoint, filter by language code, and then we’ll scroll down.

At the bottom of the configuration, you’ll see a section for “Quick Actions” that we can choose to enable/disable as we see fit per every grid we configure. In this case, I’ll enable three out of box actions:
- Assign to Me
- Add Comments
- Add Related CI

Then click on “Apply.”

And now you’ll see those Custom Actions on the Work Item grid.

What’s more, the nature of Custom Actions are built entirely around the Add-Ins framework. Which means new Custom Actions can be developed, loaded and configured without full re-installations/upgrades of the portal.
Update on Power Automate Certification
Thanks to everyone who reached out to get the connector sideloaded and running in their environment! But for everyone else who has been patiently waiting, the Power Automate connector for SMP is now available in the gallery! Just head into Power Automate and search for “Cireson”. You can read up on what’s available in the connector from our v11.7 blog over here.

Have ideas? As always, let us know in the Cireson Community.