Blog & Resources
Latest Release: Asset Excel v8.2
The latest version of Asset Excel introduces ease of access to more Asset Management classes alongside a wealth of brand-new search capabilities. Administrative Item Enhancements in Asset Excel You can now access even more Asset classes with just a single click in Excel. Which means not only can you pull items such as Subnets, but you can also batch create those new items as well! Search Enhancements
3 Ways to Effectively Implement AI in Your Organization
Implement AI in Your Organization The rise of AI and automated systems has given small and medium businesses the power to scale their operations and improve service delivery. According to Forbes, 70 percent of IT professionals maintain that AI can help them improve operational efficiency. In the same Forbes article, it is noted that 86 percent of users prefer to interact
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 7 – Examples You Can Use
With the 8 commands mastered, let’s look at some Service Manager PowerShell functions you can take and begin using in your environment immediately. Add-ActionLogEntry Having retrieved a Work Item object via Get-SCSMObject, you can use this function to add an Action Log entry to it. What makes this function so useful is that it can handle Incidents, Service Requests,
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 6 – Working with Relationships
We’ve arrived. We’re here. This is it! It’s time show how relating concepts in your organization to each other can provide you with environmental insights and provoke meaningful discussions. This is the ability to manage everything from data center to employees through System Center. A single database that details your entire environment – the ultimate PowerShell data source! Getting Started
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 5 – Creating Items
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 5 So far we’ve retrieved different types of things out of Service Manager and even changed a few of their properties entirely through PowerShell. Plus, we covered working with functions, loops, and the pipeline – which means at this point, you can work faster with items that already exist in Service Manager. Not only that, you can
Cireson Portal for SCSM – The Customization Release (v10.2)
Cireson Portal for SCSM v10.2 The Customization Release for the Cireson Portal is now available on our Latest branch, offering you wholly new ways to interact with Service Manager, visualize your data, and continue to tailor the portal to your needs. Deep breath. Here we go. Global Search Enhancements We continue to make investments towards what we feel is one
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 4 – Core Scripting Concepts
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 4 Classes, Lists, Getting items, and Updating Items. We’ve covered some decent Service Manager ground in just 3 blog posts. In this post, we’re going to take a very slight detour from pure Service Manager and focus on fundamental PowerShell with an emphasis on SCSM. Here we’ll be looking in greater detail at functions, the pipeline, and loops so let’s get at it. Functions As you’re reading through this series, you
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 3 – Updating Items in Service Manager from PowerShell
Definitive Service Manager Powershell Part 3 How did you do on the homework assignment? Did you get different Objects of different Classes out of your environment like Review Activities or Hardware Assets? Here’s to hoping you did because now it’s time to build on those get/read operations and set/write properties on them! Change a Few Incident Properties We’re working with IR1234 again and no less
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 2 – Retrieving Items Out of Service Manager Through PowerShell
Definitive Service Manager Powershell Part 2 Following up on our definitive commands from the previous post, let’s talk about using a couple of them in practice. For these examples, I’m going to be using SMLets. Prefer to see this with stock commands? Let me know and I can come back with them in a later post. Get an Incident, Service Request, or Anything Else We’re going to start super
Definitive Service Manager PowerShell: Part 1 – Top 8 PowerShell Commands
Definitive Service Manager Powershell You’re syncing data from Operations Manager or Configuration Manager. Maybe even non-Microsoft products through the Cireson Asset Import Connector via a CSV or SQL database, maybe just uploading directly from Asset Excel. But what about the most custom of items in your environment? What about creating Work Items or Configuration Items from scratch? What about automating and streamlining your internal organization processes to lower the
New Security Release Features Console App Installer
The latest version of our Management Packs for Service Manager are out now! New security release features console app installer. Improved Security for Your Organization, Ease of Use for Your Administrators Our latest management pack releases include new functionality that moves them up to the latest security standards with TLS 1.2/SHA256 as the new normal for your deployment. It also includes behind the scenes functionality of accessing our licensing service
The KPIs that Shift IT from Business Overhead to a Cost-Saving Operation
IT expenses have come into the spotlight even more than normal since the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe. IT organizations, large and small, are being asked to prove value and identify areas for savings during a time when technical support is needed most. Although there are specific Post-Covid KPIs that can help you maintain customer satisfaction during these unique times,