Overview Of Settingsitem Options

This article describes the options found at the bottom of the Admin Settings and by doing a select on the settingsitem table of servicemanagement in SQL:

Administrator Configuration of Language Options

During the installation of the portal the installing user can choose which languages will be available for users to choose from.

The language chosen as the default language will be the language that all users see content in unless the user has a preference for a different language:

key (nvarchar) value (nvarchar) example Explanation
ActivityFilter FALSE This particular setting is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
AnalystHomePage cca5abda-6803-4833-accd-d59a43e2d2cf Landing page when Analysts first log into portal
AnalystPortalKey Auto populated or manually entered value
AnalystsADGroup SupportSCSM_Analysts AD Groupto define which users have Analyst Level Access
AnnouncementManagerADGroup SupportSCSM_Analysts
ApplicationTitle Cireson Support Portal Name of application displayed top left hand corner and on login page if using forms auth
AssetManagementConsumableTemplate AssetManagementConsumableTemplate Default Asset Management Consumable Template
AssetManagementContractLeaseTemplate AssetManagementContractLeaseTemplate Default Asset Magement Contract Lease Template
AssetManagementInvoiceTemplate AssetManagementInvoiceTemplate Default Asset Management Invoice Template
AssetManagerADGroup SupportSCSM_Admins AD Groupto define which users can access Asset Management Object, Views and Tasks
AutoRefreshLicenses TRUE Sets if licenses will be automatically retrieved from licensing.cireson.com
CacheBuilderMaxRetries 10 This settings is used to retry a synchronizing command within cachebuilder, should a command fail the cachebuilder will retry this number of times before failing permanently.
CacheBuilderRetryInterval 15
ContractWarrantyTemplate ContractWarrantyTemplate Default Contract Warranty Template
CreateOnBehalfGroup SupportSCSM_Analysts
CRGroup NULL Group of users who can create Change Requestsinthe drawer (Null = all Analyst Users)
CustomizableLoginLink Having trouble logging in? Reset your password. Text to be displayed for the Custom link on forms login page
CustomizableLoginLinkUrl https://passwordreset.cireson.com/ Custom login link URL for forms login page
DashboardsKey Auto populated or manually entered value
DefaultIncidentTemplate DefaultIncidentTemplate Default template for quick create and new workitem task
DefaultProblemTemplate Template.ce14c85e54ed408c874f102c5545576d Default template for quick create and new workitem task
DefaultReleaseRecordTemplate DefaultReleaseRecord Default template for quick create and new workitem task
DontUseScopedAccess FALSE Disabling user scoping will remove any security filtering for workitems, configuration items and service catalog.
EnableWatchList TRUE
EndUserHomePage ServiceCatalog/Listing Landing page when End users first log into portal
ForceSearch FALSE Hide request offerings so users must first search for what they want before to see desired offerings
GridviewRecordCap 500
GroupQuery DisplayName LIKE ‘%’ + @Query + ‘%’ OR UserName LIKE ‘%’ + @Query + ‘%’ Query criteria for pickers to find group objects, display and username by default
HardwareAssetTempate HardwareAssetTempate Default Hardware Asset Template
HTMLKBKey Auto populated or manually entered value
IRGroup NULL Group of users who can create Incident Requests in the drawer (Null = all Analyst Users)
KbSearchByUserLocale FALSE When set to True any Knowledge Base searches will only return articles that are set to the user’s preferred language.
KnowledgeManagerADGroup SupportSCSM_KBManagers AD Groupto define which users can create KB Articles
LanguageCode ENU Localization
LanguageCodeDateTime ENU Date formats of date properties
LastModifiedAdjustmentInMilliseconds 5000 Workflows and other processes may complete an update sometime after the time specified in the Last Modified field. This gap can be accounted for by the LastModifiedAdjustmentInMilliseconds
LocalizationManagerADGroup AD Groupto define which users can over-ride localization strings
MACompleted NULL Group of users who can complete Manual Activities(Null = all Analyst Users)
MAEdit NULL Group of users who can editManual Activities(Null = all Analyst Users)
MAFailed NULL Group of users who can fail Manual Activities (Null = all Analyst Users)
ManagementServer localhost SCSM management server name – use localhost when Portal and Management Server on the same machine.
NewCR TRUE Shows or hides New Change Request button depending on value
NewIR TRUE Shows or hides New Incident Request button depending on value
NewPR TRUE Shows or hides New Problem Request button depending on value
NewRR TRUE Shows or hides New Release Request button depending on value
NewSR TRUE Shows or hides New Service Request button depending on value
NoticeEventTemplate NoticeEventTemplate Default Notice Event Template
NotificationTemplatePrefix IR
PrePopulateCiLimit 1
PRGroup NULL Group of users who can create Problem Requests inthe drawer (Null = all Analyst Users)
PurchaseOrderTemplate PurchaseOrderTemplate Default Purchase Order Template
PurchaseTemplate PurchaseTemplate Default Purchase Template
RAAddReviewer NULL Group of users who can add reviewers toReview Activities(Null = all Analyst Users)
RAApprove NULL HGroup of users who can approve Review Activities (Null = all Analyst Users)
RADeleteReviewer NULL Group of users who candelete reviewers fromReview Activities(Null = all Analyst Users)
RAEdit NULL Group of users who can editReview Activities(Null = all Analyst Users)
RAEditReviewer NULL Group of users who can edit reviewers on Review Activities (Null =all Analyst Users)
RAReject NULL Group of users who can rejectReview Activities(Null = all Analyst Users)
RefreshIntervalMilliseconds 300000 This determines how often a grid will be refreshed with data.
RememberMeExpirationDays 365
RightToLeft FALSE This setting should be set to true when utilizing the portal with a RightToLeft language option.
RRGroup NULL Group of users who can create Release Requests inthe drawer (Null = all Analyst Users)
RunConcurrencyCheck TRUE When set to True a pre-check will be done before saving a workitem to ensure no changes have been made in the interim of when the user loaded the workitem and when they click to save it.
SearchGroupsInUserPicker TRUE Have group objects hidden or shown in the user picker depending on value
SearchUsersInUserPicker TRUE Have user objects hidden or shown in the user picker depending on value
SelfServicePortalKey Auto populated or manually entered value
ServiceCatalogItemsPerPage 25 This setting is used for the v3.0 and earlier versions of the Service Catalog.
ServiceCatalogLanguageCode *
ServiceManagerInactivityTimeoutMinutes 60
SessionTimerCountdown 60
ShowNewButtonInDrawer TRUE
ShowQuickCreateForIR TRUE Show or hide quick create for Incidents Requests on the drawer
ShowQuickCreateForPR TRUE Show or hide quick create for Problem Requests on the drawer
ShowQuickCreateForRR TRUE Show or hide quick create for Release Records on the drawer
ShowQuickCreateForSR TRUE Show or hide quick create for Service Requests on the drawer
SMTPEmailReturnAddress support@cireson.com
SMTPServerName smtp.cireson.com
SMTPServerPort 25
SoftwareAssetTemplate SoftwareAssetTemplate Default Software Asset Template
SRGroup NULL Group of users who can create Service Requests in the drawer (Null = all Analyst Users)
SupportandMaintenanceContractTemplate SupportandMaintenanceContractTemplate Default Support and Maintenance Contract template
TeamGroupFilter TRUE This should be set to True when the client has configured Team Groups within Admin Settings and wishes to limit the access to workitems and User lists according to team group membership.
UpdateUserProfileNagInterval 0 The setting is the number of days that is subtracted from the User Profile Last Reviewed Date to determine whether to notify the user to review their profile.
UseHtmlKb TRUE Allows the choice to use the HTML Knowledge Base, or the ServiceManager (CMDB) Database. If the item is FALSE, only SCSM-created articles can be called, no HTML KB features are available.
UseNewMultipleObjectControl FALSE TBD … currently in development
UserQuery DisplayName LIKE ‘%’ + @Query + ‘%’ OR UserName LIKE ‘%’ + @Query + ‘%’ Query criteria for pickers to find user objects, can be changed to add ability to search EmployeeID etc
UseSessionTimer TRUE
UserTokenExpirationMinutes 60
VendorTemplate VendorTemplate Default Vendor Template


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