Notify Analyst Pro
Do even more with Notify Analyst Pro. While our community edition keeps Affected Users and Assignees in the loop of communication on comments to an Incident or Service Request – With NA Pro you can support the full breadth of SCSM Work Item types as it pertains to Problem, Change and Release Management, plus Activity Management spanning Sequential, Dependent, Parallel, Review, and Manual Activities.
Whether it’s keeping Analysts in the know for assignment changes on Problems, Changes, or Releases, Notify Analyst Pro offers the same simplicity of configuring notifications just like Incidents and Service Requests as seen in Notify Analyst Community.
Plus, Notify Analyst Pro can make the most of your Change, Review Activity, and optional Cireson Portal investments.
- Change Requests support the configuration for not only extending your own custom Support Group property but also notifying on it as well
- Review Activities can send notifications not just when the Activity becomes In-Progress but anytime a Reviewer is added. Which means it’s never too late to add someone into the process and know for certain they received their ballot via email.
- Reminders can be configured to go out at a specific time some or all days ensuring your Analysts stay on top of their Active Work Items with links right back to the Cireson Service Manager Portal for a given Work Item.

- Set assignment and re-assignment emails between analysts for all base work item types
- Set assignment and re-assignment emails to support groups
- Multilingual support
- Support for custom change request and manual activities support Group enumerations
- Send scheduled summary email report to analyst on work items assigned to them
- Set delays in sending emails up to 2 minutes
- Prefix matching for designated AD groups
- Skip notifications for self assignment
- Skip support group notification for Analysts already assigned in that support group
- Skip non-mail enabled support groups
- Skip notification if already assigned to an Analyst
- Set a workflow logging path
- Automatic communication between Analysts and End Users
- Increase visibility across the organization
- Provide End Users immediate email visibility as a Work Item is updated
- Allow Analysts to be aware of End User notes
Customer Reviews
Solution Inspiration
Service Manager allows for you to create e-mail notifications to analysts upon assignment and re-assignment for all work items. However, in order to create these notifications you must modify XML, perform SQL lookups to find notify template IDs, and import MPs. Effectively have a PhD in technology. Who wants to do that? The Notify Analyst Pro app solves this challenge!

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