SCCM – Troubleshooting Client Health

Client Health is an issue with whatever SCCM infrastructure is out there. It can be very tedious work to make all your clients work as they should.

Through the help of experience and researching what others have done, I am going to present some effective ways of helping you with troubleshooting your SCCM client health.

One of the more simple ways of going about it is simply attempting to manually uninstall and reinstall the client. This sometimes needs to be done in such a way that you have to clear out everything within the C:Windowsccmsetup folder to where it is just the EXE present. You might need to run it with switches such as /mp:<yourmpserver> or smssitecode=<XXX> so as to make sure the client knows where to go to figure out which servers to check in with during installation.

Here is a complete list of switches that can help with more specific installation. As you will come to learn that this will fix around 50% of your environment (everyone differs by 10-20%), but there are some more in depth tricks that you can utilize to dig much deeper into client health.

If the previous solution did not work then you will need to download Roger Zander’s Client Center Tool; with his free tool you will find a few quick automated tricks you can use on the client in question. First, you will need to look under Client Actions when looking at a client and select Reset Policy. If that does not work than take it one step further and do Reset Policy (Hard-Reset).

If this does not work then you have one other area within Client Center that you can utilize. Within Agent Actions under the Install/Repair tab, you will find WMI Repair. Within this box are the last three critical steps in fixing your clients. The first is “WMI Repair” which will do as the name suggest. The second is the “Delete rootccm” which will delete the ccm namespace and rebuild it with the client install.

The last and final way of resolving your client health issue is the “Recreate Repository.” This last step should only be done as the last step because if the previous steps are not followed than this might just end up being a band-aid on the problem or could cause more harm than good.

All of the above steps should help with resolution of 99% of your Client Health issues. I hope it resolved everyone one of them for you. Thank you for reading.

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Troubleshooting Client Health

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