Outlook Console
The game changing Cireson Outlook Console app brings the Service Manager experience into Microsoft Outlook, allowing for seamless management of day-to-day activities. It provides the ability to create, view, edit, and complete various incidents, changes, problems, activities, and service requests with greater ease than ever before.

- Create and edit any work item from the Microsoft Outlook ribbon
- View all active work items assigned to you and your associated support group
- Create or add any email into a work item
- Right-click on any email to perform in-context work item edits, approvals, or completions
- Multilingual support
- Search work items in the Outlook Console App
- Send email ability from views and forms
- Show affected Items and affected Services
Customer Reviews
Solution Inspiration
Service Manager allows for IT operations to create and update work items from e-mails via the Service Manager Exchange Connector. The challenge is the inability to interact directly from e-mail within Microsoft Outlook to fully manage all functions of Service Manager, to include creating, editing, approving and completing any work item.

See Our SCSM Apps In Action!
See how easy it is to maximize your SCSM investment with Cireson apps. Schedule a demo with one of our ITIL-certified System Center experts.