Preview Pane

The Preview Pane app provides crisp, clear, and concise previews for all work items and delivers immediate access to attachments and respective activities, such as manual, review, etc.

With the introduction of this app to your System Center Service Manager environment, you will gain quick visibility to all related information for each work item and be able to make tactical actions such as approving or rejecting activities/ dragging attachments on or off, all from the preview pane.


Customer Reviews

“With the deployment of Change, Incident and Service Request Management into SCSM it became clear the default preview panes handled every information object the same way. There was no quick way to tell what exactly a work item was about. For example, both the title and description would be cut off mid-sentence. In order to get to the information we had to open the item, wait for it to load, and scroll down to the information provided. The Cireson Preview Panes took most of this work away. Their Preview Pane has extended lengths put in place for certain information objects. This also allows for clickable hyperlinks inside the preview pane, for quick access! One of their best additions to the preview pane is the ‘Top Parent’ relationship. We often have several levels of approvals in which non-IT employees need to approve a service request or change. With the ‘Top Parent’ link voters have a quick way of determining what request their vote is required for. An excellent tool to reduce the time a (IT support) user requires to complete their job!”
Willem van der Poel
SCSM, SCOM & Orchestration Engineer, Kasbank

Solution Inspiration

Service Manager allows for an analyst to preview the details of a work item (incidents, problems, service requests, changes, releases, and activities) in a preview pane. However, the panes are difficult to read, have lots of clutter, and are not very proactive. We loved the idea of an app that would solve this challenge to Service Manager – so we built Preview Pane.

Preview Pane

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