Release Calendar

The Cireson Release Calendar displays all scheduled release records within a single view to see what releases will affect the organization in the future. This complete picture of release activities is a powerful tool for change and release managers to make informed decisions on upcoming work that will impact IT Services to their business.

With the introduction of this app into your System Center Service Manager environment, you can feel comfortable that the organization has visibility of all upcoming releases for the business. Take control today and understand your true release management schedule.


Solution Inspiration

Service Manager allows for impressive release management capabilities. The challenge is that you are not able to view all scheduled release work in a calendar view. Since we love apps that bring transparency, simplicity, and ease-of-use to the forefront, it only made sense to build this release calendar, which now brings clarity to a very important corner of System Center.

Release Calendar

Customer Reviews

“The mobility and efficiency provided by the Analyst Portal has completely shifted the way we operate.”
Chris Akeroyd
UMC Health Systems

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